Friday, October 14, 2011


I was ruminating while hanging out my laundry this morning.  I had a song stuck in my head-I think by Elvis?

'Little sister, don't you kiss me once or twice, then say it's really nice and then move on!  Little sister don't you do what your big sister done!'

I was thinking that earlier generations think that there is too much sex in the current generations songs.  Let's look at what this song is saying-'Hey, your sister is a tease and only kissed.  So, you better follow through and not stop at kissing!'.  Um, yeah.  I know it's different than 'I wanna f*ck you like an animal' or 'The Thong Song', but really by how much?  Yes, the words I think have gotten a lot more graphic in popular songs, to the point that we rarely listen to popular radio at all in my house, but the subject matter hasn't changed.  So, if you really want to keep our children's minds and hearts as innocent as you can for as long as you can, filter their listening selections.  I say this as a person that remembers singing along to George Michaels 'I want your sex' as an 11 year old.


  1. You mean it's wrong that Phaedra's favorite Arctic Monkeys song is Cigarette Smoker Fiona?
