Saturday, October 15, 2011


We got 4!! eggs today!  3 brown and one green.  So, that means that the reluctant big girl is laying and one of the Amish is laying.  Now, maybe the other two Amish won't be far behind.  'Wait.  Amish?  What?'  The easter egger chickens do not have a waddle/comb like the big girls have.  They do have a fringe of feathers under their beak from ear to ear that looks a bit like an Amish beard.  Hence the nickname.

In unrelated news, L had his first big recital today and did very well.  He played beautifully and was very focused.  He played 'Lightly Row' and from Phantom of the Opera 'Angel of Music' and 'The Phantom of The Opera'.  He also sat down yesterday and composed his first piece of music.

O was taking lessons, but is now having a break form them.  Because 'I only want to play Chopsticks and only when I feel like it!'.  Sooo.  But today he asked for a violin for Christmas.  I don't know what prompted this at all.

1 comment:

  1. If he DOES want to play another instrument, maybe you put a "You must practice and try for a year" kind of limit on it. Also, a teacher that's a good fit can make a huge difference. Ezra's first teacher was so nice and passionate about music, but she found Ezra frustrating at 6. At 8, a different teacher found him quirky, but biddable enough.
