Tuesday, August 9, 2011

All or Nothing

It was pointed out to me yesterday that I am an all or nothing person.  I agree with that remark.  But I am trying to teach myself moderation.  For example, we have been a no TV family in the past, now we have 1 TV which I police pretty strictly.  TV time was very rare except for the times that it wasn't.  My kids would  go weeks with out watching TV and then for a few days they might get 6+ hours a day.  So, I'm trying to let them watch 1 hour of TV a day-if their room is clean.  I've done this for 3 weeks now and it seems to be going well.  Now, if I get pestered about it they don't get it.

I am this way about many things, but food especially I think.  It is best to not keep potato chips in the house because I can eat a whole bag of the suckers.  I try to stay away from soda because it's a trigger food for me-I have a soda and then it opens all sorts of craving pathways in my brain.  I think I've found a pretty good solution to the potato chip conundrum...pop corn!  It's salty, it's crunchy, and you can have a ton of pop corn vs. a handful of chips.  Who wants to stop at a handful?  Which brings us back to moderation.

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