Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20.

Once upon a time, there was a girl.  She was very cute and funny.  She moved into an apartment with a room mate and had a job.  One day, she stepped out of her apartment and met her next door neighbor.  She was wearing Doc Martens, a camo shirt, and had her hair styled in Princess Leia buns.  He was wearing a ratty t-shirt, no shoes, and had the ugliest dog she'd ever seen.

It was love at first sight.  For him.

They were friends.  Then they dated.  Then they got engaged.  Then they got pregnant.  Then, they had to move the wedding back 6 months so that the bride could see her feet on her wedding day.

Now, they live in a little house, in a little town, with 2 beautiful children, 2 bad dogs, 2 horrible cats, and a backyard flock of chickens.

It isn't easy, but nothing really is.  They have each other when life sucks and when life is grand.  And isn't that how it's supposed to be?