Friday, July 15, 2011


I have had a tough week diet-wise.  There has been no activity or tracking of food this week.  I could use the excuse that I am sick to cover the activity but there is no excuse for the food ignorance that I have been practicing.  It's time to get back in the truck, drive away from the cliff, and set the cruise control.

We, each of us in my family of 4, have been escaping into internet and/or movie land too much lately.  I tend to putz around on FaceBook and watch Netflix for many hours of the day.  R will come home and almost immediately get on the computer to check sports statistics and play his latest game-'Storm the Castle'.  It's 'Angry Birds'-like-so it's very mindless.  Very little of actual e-mail checking/writing or other productive internet time is actually accomplished by either of us.  The boys have been watching at least a movie most days and sometimes they get KERA as well.  They also tend to pester me until I hand them my IPOD touch to play one of the few silly games that I have on there at least a few days a week.

I have to ask myself if this is what I really want my children to see as examples of adulthood.  Mom and Dad, staring at a computer screen for various non-productive reasons, while the living room is a wild mess, the kitchen desperately needs mopping, and the yard needs a mow.  I know that it is not what I want them to grow up to be like, but there are times when I feel powerless to stop the momentum of lazy/poor choices in my own life.

This week, I propose a challenge to my family.  I say we go off the grid starting tonight.  No internet for a week.  No movies.  No TV.  I think that I'll actually get lesson plans done for the coming school year and maybe end up with a pretty clean house by the end of it.  R may actually work on some writing that he hasn't seemed to work on for a couple of months.  Maybe we both need to stop disengaging our brains and engage them in things that need more than just the half-assed attention that we seem to be giving things.  I'll maybe have time to mop! And read actual books to my children!  And finish a languishing knitting project!

I find my children's childhood slipping away.  I need to show them how an adult is to act.  How an adult is to interact with the world around them.  How an adult is to act in relationships with husbands, wives, friends, the world in general.  And it is NOT with a screen to buffer the rest of the world.


  1. Amen. Two summers ago we did a 4 month technology reprieve. Lovely. Shockingly, I was the one with the issue - a little "SYTYCD" withdrawal. I was surprised at my reaction. I loved it!

  2. Play a family game in the evenings after dinner. You know both my boys are in their 20's and we still do it at least a couple nights a week, plus they play a lot of cards with their dad (no I don't think R needs to teach the boys Texas Hold'em LOLOL) Most of the time we play a board game like Monopoly or Life or even Sorry!, or a dice game like Deception or Yahtze but I know there are even more games for the younger set, Carol Sweet, who's niece and nephew are home schooled, is a good source of fun kids games that are also educational that she has been taught by them.

  3. KUDOS! Onward down the path to crazy! (I'll meet you there.)
